AC 4 Life - FAQ's - General Questions

So how do you select the proper system size for your home?

This page is designed to provide anyone looking for a new HVAC system with a better understanding of frequently asked questions about the selection, AC and furnace sizing and other important considerations in making the best choices for your home or office.

This information guide offers the following categories of information pertaining to proper AC and heating system sizing as well as important guides to ensure you make informed decisions:

Here are your options in descending order of most accurate to least accurate. If you are not replacing an existing furnace then your best option is to use our sizing software to determine the proper capacity without the guesswork. We also offer a simple sizing estimator link in the top navigation area on each page of our site. This is not as accurate but will provide a close estimate. See the FAQ "Can you help me determine what capacity furnace I need?" above. We also recommend that you have a local contractor visit your home and provide an estimate of their evaluation of your needs. Once you have this estimate you can price the proper equipment for your home. Remember, according to industry statistics, about half the furnaces sold are needlessly oversized. Gas furnaces are sold in 20,000-25,000 Btu increments. You don't have to nail your heating requirement down to the last Btu; just get as close as possible then select the furnace with the nearest capacity, rounding up.